Andrei Dósa: A herbarium and Facebook
– Romania

Born in Brașov in 1985, Andrei Dósa is a poet, prose writer and a Hungarian and English translator, as well as an editor at the Poesis internaţional magazine. He went to a Hungarian-language elementary school and studied economics and ‘cultural innovation’ at a Romanian university. For a time, he worked in construction as a quality assurance manager. His first works were Hungarian haikus which were rejected by publishers as “rather decadent”. He published four poetry collections in Romanian: Când va veni ceea ce este desăvârşit (When Completeness Comes); American Experience; Nada; and Adevăratul băiat de aur (The True Golden Boy ), as well as the novel Ierbar (Herbarium). His style is influenced by modern communication means. “Facebook is perhaps the last great novel of mankind. The themes and topics remain the same throughout history – what changes are the ways in which we write.”